OUR PROCESS - Fleetwood Fine Furniture
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Fleetwood’s systems and experienced staff provide customers with the assurance that their projects will be seamlessly and expertly handled, fulfilling their design goals with furniture of enduring quality and flawless functionality.


Based in Toronto, Canada our highly qualified and dedicated staff has over 40 years of furniture manufacturing and design experience.  Our established monitoring and reporting tools ensure real time tracking of projects, thereby providing confidence that we can meet the most demanding of schedules as specified and on budget.


With world-class, industry-leading engineering capabilities and experience that comes from furnishing hundreds of thousands of luxury hotel rooms, Fleetwood Fine Furniture expertly transforms customers’ design concepts into beautifully engineered hospitality grade furniture. The end result will capture the creative vision of the designer and will satisfy the demanding requirements of hotel guests for years to come. Fleetwood’s engineers can work collaboratively with designers, owners and purchasing companies to quickly and efficiently prepare designs for production.


Our expert staff is experienced in global sourcing for the finest veneers, solid woods, carvings, stone, hardware, and other components to ensure that even the most challenging designs will be crafted with artistry and precision.   Fleetwood’s exceptional manufacturing can meet the most demanding schedules with quality assurance and consistency.


Starting from sourcing and daily factory production through to shipping and delivery, every step of the process is tightly tracked and controlled with reporting systems and expertise to ensure that your furniture is
manufactured exactly as specified.

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